
The Problematics of the Feminine Experience 2019

By Orna Fichman

  Hagit Shahal's body of work presented in this exhibition demonstrates the problematics of the feminine experience, as well as its representations, which unfortunately still prevail in Western and local culture to this day. Shahal portrays a wide range of critical, subversive, defiant, overt, or covert expressions that try to defy patriarchal hegemony. Continue Reading »»

אַיי פִיל פְּרִיטִי | I Feel Pretty 2018

By Nir Harmat

  נשים ללא פנים, ללא זהות, ללא שמות משלהן, המהוות חפץ - אובייקט למבט גברי, מאכלסות את סדרת עבודותיה החדשה של חגית שחל. הן חשופות ומעורטלות, כרוכות מסביב לעמוד פאלי, מופקרות למבט. Continue Reading »»

Cutties: On Hagit Shahal’s Works, " Little Women",2017

By Dr. Ketzia Alon

  A woman soaking in a bubble bath. When was the last time you saw a naked man splashing in a bubble bath? Continue Reading »»

הרצאה: Your skin make me cry | היבטים פמיניסטיים בעבודותיה של חגית שחל

הרצאה ע"י ניר הרמט במסגרת סדרת הרצאות מטעם העמותה לחקר אמנות נשים ומגדר

  אני מבקש להציג מבט רוחבי בין גופי עבודותיה האחרונים של חגית שחל. הסדר אינו בהכרח ליניארי אלא כזה שמראה היבטים שונים ביצירתה, כמהלך נשי-פמיניסטי מובהק המנסה לערער או לאתגר את עמדת הצפייה, להיות פוליטי ולהציע מבט ביקורתי על נושאים מוכרים. Continue Reading »»

Article about the exhibition "Faded Lovers", and more, 2015

By Dr. Ruth Markus

  Article about the exhibition "Faded Lovers", and more,
The full version Continue Reading »»

Faded Lovers - Hagit Shahal, Office in Tel Aviv Gallery, 2015

By Irit Levin

  Hagit Shahal's work delves into portraiture in general, and the self-portrait in particular, combining documentation of objects from her immediate surroundings, Continue Reading »»

Second Glance: The Portrait in Hagit Shahal's Work, 2015

By Dr. Guy Morag Tzepelewitz

  In the course of her artistic career, Hagit Shahal has engaged repeatedly with portraiture and the documentation of expression. Continue Reading »»

Self-Portrait, Hagit Shahal at Levinsky College of Education gallery, 2015

By Arie Berkowitz

  About the exhibition Continue Reading »»

Cartography ; Scale 6.2:1, Artist's House, Tel Aviv 2008

By Nir Harmat

  Street Gallery: Art Wall Project on Artists House Facade Continue Reading »»

Double Trouble, ApartArt Gallery, Tel Aviv 2011

By Rotem Ritov

  Written for the exhibition "Double Trouble", August 2011
A collection of visual symbols in Black / White: corsets, suspenders, leather boots, stilettos and more ... Continue Reading »»

Double Trouble, ApartArt Gallery, Tel Aviv 2011

By Hagit Shahal

  The series of works "Double Trouble" is a collection of linocuts created without planning, while working on other subject for an exhibition held in May 2010 in Tel Aviv.
Continue Reading »»

Through the Beauty, Hagit Shahal & Ilona Ahron, Artist's House,Tel Aviv 2010

By Irit Levin

  The exhibition Through the Beauty brings together the artists Ylona Aron and Hagit Shahal once again. This is an encounter of artists - colleagues, based on mutual appreciation and a long-lasting friendship. Continue Reading »»

Dowry. Inspiration, Stern Gallery, Tel Aviv, 2010

By Nir Harmat

  This exhibition brings together deferent artistic concepts from various periods that reflect on one another and try to evoke a new statement. Continue Reading »»

Israel through Portraits, the National Museum of Slovakia, Bratislava 2008

By Tanya Sternson

  The need to collect memories of the world around us is part of the human nature. Whether it is a landscape of wild nature, Continue Reading »»

Look for the thread, Arsuf Art Gallery 1992

By Dr. Gideon Ofrat

  Look for the thread that connects the canvases, the skin and the textures – and you’ve found the open space of forms and contents of Hagit Shahal. Continue Reading »»

Ornaments, Nelly Aman Gallery 1997

By Talia Rapaport

  The painterly tension is totally contained in this constant confrontation between order and chaos. between systematic organization in asymmetrical structure and an emotional outburst in a liberated technique, between traditional ornamentation in a fixed Persian-carpet format and freedom of artistic action in an “action painting” of :h soul. Continue Reading »»

Seeing Me, Seeing You, Montefiore Gallery, Tel Aviv 2006

By Irit Levin

  Hagit Shahal, a seasoned artist who has exhibited extensively, focuses her gaze in the current exhibition on the portrait. Occupying a significant part of her oeuvre, her portraits now receive apt exposure. Continue Reading »»

Viewing Portrait, Danon Gallery, Tel Aviv 2007

By Nir Harmat

   The portrait, the outward image of a human, can not be seen by himself. In daily life one sees all but its own face. In order to view his appearance, he must step out of his own skin and become a fellow man. Continue Reading »»

Whose portrait is it, really? Seeing Me, Seeing You, Montefiore Gallery, Tel Aviv 2006

By Dr. Erel Shalit, Jungian Psychoanalyst

   With the advent of photography, portrait painting naturally declined. The instant photograph is so much more accessible than the laboriously painted portrait. With the widespread use of the camera and the ease of automatization, there is no longer a need even to pose in front of the professional photographer. Continue Reading »»